For Everything Cyber.
CloudNix is an intelligence-led cyber investigations company with a mission to fight global cybercrime and contribute to a safer world using innovative technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain Analytics.
CloudNix specialises in cyber fraud investigations relating to Cryptocurrency Enabled and Dependent Crime, Digital Forensics and Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Research.
CloudNix was born out of necessity to fill the gap between law enforcement and the private industry and uses innovation and technology to fight global cybercrime, by providing quality online investigation services.
Our services include, but are not limited to:
Importantly, we’re not limited by borders or jurisdictions and we take an intelligent approach to conducting real online investigation.
In the investigations space, CloudNix’s industry knowledge is unparalleled.
We’ve been security cleared to the highest level. Thus, Our online investigation services reflect this.
Professionalism isn’t something that can be learnt, it comes from a willingness to not only serve, but a determination to be respectful and to maintain the highest standard.
Our Executives have proven untainted integrity and insist on the same qualities from our staff and contractors. Truly, Integrity is one of our core values and drives our business decisions.
Our support team is ready to answer your questions. We are always at your service!.